Arménský Dům


07.09.2012 21:41

is a nonprofit organization that works on the territory of the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.


The organization's work is aimed at developing civil society in Armenia, enhancing its role in the society for sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of regions, sustaining improvement in the quality of life.


The main aim of the organization – is Armenia's entering into the phase of sustainable development in the parameter of improving the quality of life.


Objectives of the organization:

  • Creation, development and support of active structures and institutions of civil society in the Armenian regions;
  • Improvement of the efficiency of non-profit sector organizations (NGOs), cooperation between non-profit organizations in the region, coordination of joint NGO programs;
  • Development of social cooperation through the establishment of partnerships between NGOs and state institutions, local authorities, business representatives, media;
  • Development of voluntary movement;
  • Civic and legal education, primarily of young people, females, immigrants, seniors and disabled;
  • Support in the socio-economic development of regions of Armenia;
  • Support in the successful integration of young people, females, immigrants, seniors and persons with fewer opportunities.


The main activities of the organization



Objective: to promote the development of local governmental system, the consolidation and development of civil society for sustainable development of regions.



Objective: socio-economic development of regions of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, raising living standards through the development of small and medium businesses, ensuring a favorable environment for attracting foreign capital, technology and managerial expertise, production development, agriculture, services, development of new forms of management in the transition to a market economy.



Objective: to promote the cooperation between state social service agencies and local NGOs representing the interests of socially vulnerable groups, the disabled, orphans, seniors, immigrants, and women by improving the competence of social workers in public and community organizations; additional services and programs, as well as building sites for permanent dialogue.  Development of cultural and educational programs.



Prevention of illegal migration and assistance to returnees in the stabilization of their socio-economic situation and successful integration on the territory of Armenia

Diaspora and Nagorno-Karabakh



Objective: Unifying of the Diaspora and organizations living and working abroad. Designed to represent and protect interests; promote cultural, scientific and educational ties of motherland; to promote the world's history and culture of the Armenian people and to attract financial resources for the socio-economic and development projects in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.



Objective: To promote socio-economic development, establishment of civil society and support the creation of information resource for the international mass media.

